This page tells the story of NYKSUND COURSE & RETREATGÅRD – and Nyksund ART Gallery in words and pictures 🙂 – so far …
“Nyksund is so far out to sea it is possible to get, for Nyksund is the only Bear Island and Svalbard until one is at the North Pole.” (Lofoten Folkehøgskole on Facebook after visiting Nyksund, autumn 2015)
Last Post top …
Wednesday 15. december 2016
Yippie !! Nyksund Courses & Retreatgård assigned NOK150,000 – in support from the Culture Industry SpareBank 1 Nord-Norway!
Now there will be a guest studio and lecture room in Nyksund! 🙂
Sunday 4 December 2016
Then the first Christmas exhibition in Nyksund ART Gallery has started! Good visit and good sales, even though the weather was not the best …
Heartfelt thanks to Rannveig Gjevre who this day took the trip from Svolvær to Nyksund to let us partake in the colorful diversity of its klæsproduksjon.
Next weekend Astrid Zabernig (wool) and Svein Erik Tøien (Photography) which will be present in what we call “artistic meetings” 🙂
Christmas Exhibition at Nyksund ART Gallery …
Shawls in Christmas colors by Rannveig Gjevre …
Paintings by Britt Boutros Ghali, tapestry Brit H. Fuglevaag and silkesjaler of artist Sigrid Szetu …
Nordlysfotografier av Svein Erik Tøien…
Ceramics by Berit Arctander, glass art by Anne Ka Munkejord and paintings by Gunn Vottestad – and much more!
November 2016
This year will be the Christmas exhibition! The gallery’s first – we can not wait!
27 August 2016 – Opening of the solo exhibition “Women of my world” with BRITT Boutros Ghali !!
A fantastic day with many visitors! Heartfelt thanks to the director of culture Hilde Johanne Hansen, Øksnes municipality, who opened the show 🙂
22. august 2016
Soon everything ready for the next exhibition – BRITT Boutros Ghali and her “ladies” – “Women of my World”! 🙂
Britt Boutros Ghali (born 1937 in Svolvaer, raised in Sortland) is one of Norway’s most famous artists abroad. His first solo exhibition she held in Paris in 1965, and has since exhibited internationally throughout his career.
In 1994 Britt Boutros Ghali – as the first artist after Edvard Munch – received St. Olav’s Medal for her promotion of Norway abroad through her art.
This is a UNIQUE EXHIBIT – Britt Boutros Ghalis paintings called “Women of my world” has so far only been shown a few places in the world: Cairo and Luxor in Egypt, Jeddah and Riyadh in Saudi Arabia, Washington and New York, USA, and Hardanger and Nyksund – in Norway! 🙂
Svein Erik Tøien hanging up the last paintings by Britt Boutros Ghali.Visual artist Britt Boutros Ghali and gallerist Marie Elisabeth Mjaaland Nyksund ART Gallery, here with some of the smaller paintings that will be available on the exhibition.
Saturday 6 August 2016
Nyksund ART Gallery first art lecture! Good attendance – and very inspiring! 🙂
Midsummer Eve, 23 June 2016
Opening of “Summer Exhibition 2016“! 🙂
Mayor Kari Anne B. Braathen, Øksnes municipality, presided at the official opening, where inter alia main Exhibitor textile artist Brit H. Fulgevaag, artist Gunn Vottestad and photographer Svein Erik Tøien, were present.
Here are some pictures v / Svein Erik Tøien …
From left gallerist and manager Marie Elisabeth Mjaaland, mayor Karianne Braathen Øksnes municipality, textile artist Brit H. Fuglevaag and artist Gunn Vottestad.
Textile artist Brit H. Fuglevaag talk about her tapestries and how she works. The large carpet in the background is inspired by Witch monument in Finnmark, and called “The flames at the Cathedral”. To the left of the image gallery owner and manager Marie Elisabeth Mjaaland.
A thirty number people attended the opening, here are some of them …
Mayor Karianne Braathen, Øksnes municipality, in conversation with textile artist Brit H. Fuglevaag.
June 2016
At this year’s summer exhibition – “Summer Exhibition 2016” – we want particularly to highlight women who through their creative enthusiasm and creativity radiates a power and beauty that touches and rubs.
12 creative artists and craftsmen – 11 women and one man, many of them living in Nyksund – has earned a place in the exhibition:
- BRIT H. FUGLEVAAG – textile artist and main exhibitor who shares with him his eagerness, enthusiasm and commitment
- GUNN VOTTESTAD, SIGRID SZETU, BRITT BOUTROS GHALI – Three colorful artists with very different expressions
- KJERSTI JOHANNESSEN, ANNE KA MUNKEJORD, BEDA MARIA JOHANSON – three glassblowers that allow us to experience light and glass magic
- BERIT ARCTANDER – potter who loves to model woman-reliefs
- SILVIA REHNLUND – jeweler who through their jewelery allows us to partake of sea life
- SVEIN ERIK TØIEN – photographer trying to capture the magic and invisible in nature
- RANNVEIG GJEVRE, ASTRID ZABERNIG – two who create warm and delicious woolen hats, mittens and necks, and that are almost always needed in Nyksund.
The poster for this year’s summer exhibition!
Newspaper review in Bladet Vesterålen, 21 June 2016
May 2016
Soon begins the summer season! 🙂
Øksnesavisa, 27. mai 2016
December 2015
November 2015
In November we – Svein Erik Tøien and Marie Elisabeth Mjaaland – enjoyed a wonderfully exciting and inspiring 3-week Artist-in-Residence stay in Djúpivogur in East Iceland!
The stay was part of a Cultural Cooperation between Vesterålen and Eastern Iceland, where artists and cultural workers are given the opportunity to immerse themselves in a self determined theme / project – while linking contacts, exchange experiences, etc.
We were greeted with great hospitality and commitment, while on either our way got worked well with our theme “Man and nature” – Svein Erik as a photographer, and Marie as a philosopher, author and spiritual advisor.
The stay ended with a festive evening in Langabúd Culture Centre in Djúpivogur, where Svein Erik showed a slideshow and Marie gave a lecture on creativity and spirituality, called “Slow down – Embrace the Moment”.
The lecture will be posted on our website before long – while we are working on concrete plans for a joint project between the two countries about the same subject … 🙂
4. November 2015
New and flexible conference table in place of the Old Bakery / Nyksund ART Gallery. Accommodates 20 guests 🙂
29 September – 2 October 2015
Throughout three days – and just like last year – the photo line at Lofoten Folkehøgskole visited the once deserted fishing village and NYKSUND COURSE & RETREAT CENTER.
And this time they were really lucky with the weather. They got to experience the first autumn storm! 🙂
The photo enthusiastic youngsters also visited Nyksund ART Gallery, where Svein Erik ia told about aurora photography.
Marie was also invited one evening to talk about the life’s big questions – and to tell about her own experiences of mystical landscape …
Very funny – and inspiring! 🙂
September 29, 2015
Surprising and very pleasant visit of Hurtigruten’s Explorer Ship MS FRAM route from Svalbard to Bergen – and so on to Buenos Aires, for new tours in Antarctica …
On the home page Hurtigruten saysthat the purpose of the purpose-built expedition ship is “bringing her guests closer to nature, wildlife and unforgettable experiences …”
And that was exactly what Nyksund managed to deliver – an autumn day like this! 🙂
End of August 2015
Two smiling women – artist Gunn Vottestad and gallerist Marie Elisabeth Mjaaland – after a wonderfully exciting and colorful summer season!
So many visitors and so much praise! And so many great conversations about shape and color, art and nature … 🙂
Thank you all!
July 2015
Eventually could also the new apartment on the floor above Nyksund ART Gallery is used … 🙂
And here, sort of like in the main building, the shape and color, tradition and innovative elements, given go hand in hand.
But while the winter light many nuances and shifts are tried imagining the interior of the main building, the northern Norwegian summer meadow received a model for the palette in the old bakery …
And with glass walls and sheltered terrace facing the ocean, we think the apartment has been very nice!
Beginning of July 2015
Not all managed to finish the gallery opening. So a few days delay came ia sign in place – with the help of our dear neighbor … 🙂
June / July 2015
A great article by journalist Silje Helene Nilsen in this year’s edition of “Move Home Magazine”!
About our lives, about nature as Cathedral, and how the road turns into while passing … –
Thank you, Nigel!
If you fancy, you can read the article below … (Sorry to our English speaking visitors – the article is in Norwegian…)
26. June 2015 – Øksnes newspaper about gallery opening …
June 20, 2015 – Opening of Nyksund ART Gallery!
Nyksund ART Gallery was officially opened by Hilde Johanne Hansen, director of culture in Øksnes municipality. To honor the day she had written a prologue: “Some see – and do something about it” 🙂
Prolog to the opening v Hilde Hansen
Thank you so much, Hilde 🙂 – and anyone else who showed up that day, and made it a GREAT experience!
15th June 2015
Now the hectic run-up and the countdown started for the official opening of Nyksund ART Gallery. Five days left until Saturday June 20th at 14:00!
We are very glad that the opening will be undertaken by Hilde Johanne Hansen, upcoming director of cultural Øksnes municipality.
The poster is also fixed and finished … This is good! 🙂
28. May 2015
Architekt, photographer and all-possible-man in Nyksund Courses & Retreat Center, Svein Erik Tøien, has been awarded a 3-week travel and work grants to Iceland through Cultural Cooperation Vesterålen – East Iceland.
In Iceland Svein Erik will immerse himself in the relationship between humans and nature – through photography, editing and other creative expression. Some of the scores he will present already in Iceland – and eventually also in Nyksund Art Gallery, where he has a private showroom for his photographic art.
April 30, 2015 – Øksnes newspaper discovered “news”!
April 2015
Now is the date specified for the opening of NYKSUND ART GALLERY in “The Old Bakery”. It takes place on Saturday June 20, 2015 at. 14.00!
Main Exhibitors in “Summer Exhibition 2015” – which is a sales exhibition – are visual artist Gunn Vottestad (paintings and prints) and photographer Svein Erik Tøien (nature and landscape photography) both will present their art at their showrooms.
In addition, ceramist Ingrid Cimmerbeck, Bodo, exhibiting beautiful artifacts and wall decorations, and craftsmen Astrid Zabernig, Sortland and Rannveig Gjevre, Svolvaer, delicious hand-made and practical products of wool and alpaca.
Nyksund Art Gallery will be part of the activities of Nyksund Courses & Retreatgård.
Gunn Vottestad: Oil on handmade paper 52 cm X 52 cm
Photo: Private/Gunn Vottestad
Christmas 2014
1. december 2014
The old bakery is opposite NYKSUND COURSE & RETREATGÅRD, and will include architect offices and showroom / meditation room on the ground floor and residency / retreat flat on the 1st floor.
This means that NYKSUND COURSE & RETREAT CENTER ia will provide accommodation for up to 20 people 🙂
Finished to the summer.
We look forward!
16. november 2014 –
In connection with the closing of Establishes Course in 2014 were handed out two awards – an award for “Best business idea / information plan” and an award for “Best Presentation”.
The price for “Best presentation” went to Svein Erik Tøien, all-possible-man in NYKSUND COURSE & RETREATGÅRD – but here represented his own company that is being established, NyksundARK.
The price for “Best business idea / information plan” went to Marie Elisabeth Mjaaland, owner and manager of NYKSUND COURSE & RETREATGÅRD – the following grounds of fagjuruen:
“From an overall assessment it was a unanimous jury who believed that Marie Mjaaland had the best thought-out concept with the greatest chance of success. Marie presented a concrete action plan with gradual build-up / expansion of activities and capacity. The winner highlighted the broad expertise and knowledge of the business area – which is always an important prerequisite for success. The clear verdiforankringa was also assessed as positive.
The presentation gave a thorough and easy understanding of the business idea, and showed the possibilities in a very credible way. It was also highlighted that her business would be able to get positive effects in general activity in Nyksund. “
The jury consisted of Jon Petter Arntzen, Man. Director of factory Næringshage AS, Arne Osnes, nutrition consultant in Bo Municipality, Marius Steiro, property, and Ingebjørg Glad Pedersen, CEO of Kulturfabrikken Eiendom AS.
Both prices to Nyksund, that 🙂
Very funny, and inspiring!
autumn 2014
Along with a super bunch of 28 entuastiske entrepreneurs in Vesterålen participated CEO Marie Elisabeth Mjaaland and Svein Erik Tøien – photographer and all-possible-man NYKSUND COURSE & RETREATGÅRD – Initiate Courses 2014 Vesterålen.
It was a great experience with regular collections in Sortland – with lectures, training and workshops. And sharing thoughts, ideas and experiences – and not least, our “‘s pet”!
Thanks to everyone, and especially Innovation Norway, factory Næringshage AS and commercial developer Roy Pettersen – your commitment, good humor and “stand-in-spirit”, inspires and infects … 🙂
13. september 2014
The first bride and groom who have chosen to misplace all Nyksund – marriage, festivities, as well as accommodation – are married in Nyksund Chapel.
Thank you for your confidence, Marit and Miso – and good luck!
Nice review in Øksnes Avisa!
23 August 2014 – Nyksund Courses & Retreatgård organizes its first concert in Nyksund Chapel
It was a “completely magical concert” with a cello, a PC, nature’s many sounds, and “natural composer” Tine SUREL …
– In a Distinquished, evocative and beautiful chapel ..
23. august 2014
“Nature our cathedral” – Meditative walking Steady – Nyksund ( “Dronningruta”, marked turløpe along the ocean)
A new concept is introduced in conjunction with Vesterålen Food Festival 2014 where the individuals – with the help of simple exercises and their own unique contact with nature – are invited to rediscover and strengthen their own “heart connection” to all living things, as well as their own soul and heart community people in between.
“Dronningruta” – with its pure, wild and spectacular scenery – in sloooow pace … What could seem more healing in body and soul?
23. June 2014
Nyksund Courses & Retreatgård adopted as ARTIST HOUSING!
Now Nyksund Courses & Retreatgård also adopted as ARTIST HOUSING, and we are very happy!
First out was the composer Tine SUREL, which for some days has been inspired by the magnificent scenery – recorded nature sounds, filmed, and even made a video to us as a gift! Wonderful wonderful !!
Thank you so much, Tine – it’s been SO inspiring to have you here! Now we are absolutely delighted to hear your concert under Vesterålen Food Festival – August 23 in Nyksund.
Good luck with the tour in the Faroe Islands – and welcome back!
You are welcome to watch Tine Surel’s video here:
Bladet Vesterålen – Summer Newspaper 2014
Very nice with interview in the summer edition of Bladet Vesterålen! And fun to discover that particularly the English version is read … 🙂
1. june 2014
NYKSUND COURSE & RETREATGÅRD opens and welcomes its first group – the German travel operator Elch Adventure Tours 🙂
May 2014
Interior concept “Winter Heaven” takes shape with the help of three German artists – Felix Manchan, Clemens Heidolf and Georgios Pantelias.
October-december 2013
A new house is emerging outside the old …
1. october 2013
The old venerable 10-man rorbu / “Skogsgården” / “Withgården” / “Storm house”, and more. – Dear child has many names … – from the early 1880s is bought and taken over.
An extensive restoration begins …